SE Legend brings his best Gravebone deck along with his new custom hero artwork to face off against Gondorian’s pirate-themed Darkclaw deck.
Hero: Gravebone (41 cards)
Ally (11):
4x Hellfire Besieger
2x Scourge Colossus
1x Infernus, Tyrant of the Damned
2x Forgotten Horror
2x Daeleth, Sandwing Broodmother
Ability (17):
3x Word of the Prophet
2x Bazaar
4x Glimpse the Forbidden
4x Shoreline Skirmish
4x Docked and Loaded
Item (8):
2x Crystal Shards
3x Coastal Barrage Frigate
3x The Horizon's Reach
Location (4):
4x Ravenscrest: Valley of Secrets
Deck Code: 1215029B
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